Certification Process
1- Completion of information related to the company name, company activities, the number of staff per work shift, website address, and branches.
2- Announcement of costs related to the requested certification issuance process.
3- Preparation and approval of the contract for implementation.
4- Planning the audit process and notifying the client for audit process.
5- reviewing documents to identify the client strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the established documentation.
6- Corrective actions for potential weaknesses.
7- Final planning for conducting the audit, registration, and certification issuance.
8- Conducting the on-site audit process at the client by the specialized team of the certifying company.
9- Corrective actions for potential weaknesses in the execution of the organization’s processes.
10- Recommendation for the issuance of a certification related to the client to the head office.
11- Achieving the related certification.
12- Renew after three years.